Uncapped chimneys can also trap birds and small animals. “A chimney cap keeps out rain which can rot the metal in your fireplace,” McHone says. ?If you want to know the exact temperature of your flue, you can buy a magnetic thermometer at just about any hardware store for around $15. “When you see the heat coming out of your flu up at the chimney cap – just heat vapors – that”s a clean burn,” McHone says. ?At least twice a day for 20 minutes or so, open up your stove and let the chimney temperature build up to as high as 450 degrees to clean out your chimney. Pine, fir and green wood will make the smoke wetter and build up creosote faster. Consumer Product Safety Commission, faulty fireplaces and dirty chimneys or flues cause an estimated 25,100 home house fires and 50 deaths in the U.S. Whimsy aside, of course, the real good luck chimney sweeps like McHone bring is making your wood stove or fireplace burn more efficiently and safely. Thus, the classic “stovepipe hat” was born. He also decreed that sweeps could wear top hats, an honor previously reserved for royalty and gentry.

One legend has it that after a chimney sweep saved a king”s life by pushing him out of the way of a runaway horse and carriage, the king declared all chimney sweeps lucky. “A woman from Poland once told me that in her country when you saw a chimney sweep, you”d rub a button on your clothes and make a wish,” says McHone, who”s been sweeping chimneys for 31 years. Why is a chimney sweep regarded as lucky?ĭennis McHone of Master Soot Chimney Sweep in Willits isn”t quite sure. In the film “Mary Poppins,” the smudge-faced Dick Van Dyke character merrily sings, “A chimney sweep”s lucky as lucky can be,” and “My luck will rub off when I shake hands with you.”